The idea of “Dare to Dream” is not merely a cliché. To me, it is a call to action, an invitation to embrace the boundless possibilities that life has to offer. If I tell you I am living my dream you will not believe it.
I am literally living the dream I had as a child and I am excited to share this with you today so let’s dive in !
I had dreams of going to school to achieve the highest so that my certificate will earn me a living and then write part time because I didn’t believe it would pay much but it was my passion, so I wanted to do it regardless if it paid or not.
I have lived in several places and countries, I have lived in a village, town, cities and bigger cities like New York City and when I say I have met and dealt with several people, believe me I have.
I have seen children dare say things they would be or want only for grown-ups to shut them down. I have seen people in my school and class ridiculing their mates’ dreams and wishes. I have also seen family and friends ridiculing others for what they are doing or the achievement feat they have made.
Do you remember when you said I want to be a lawyer, a Doctor, a musician only for everyone around you burst into laughter? How about when you laughed at someone else’s dream?
We cannot gloat over the past but we certainly can prevent it from reoccurring. We should put in the effort in encouraging people and being truthful at the same time. Ridiculing others over their dreams only create insecure and low self-esteem people.
Here are some of the few reasons why we should dare to dream, why we should allow others to aspire and why we should allow people to dream big.
- Dreams are the fuel that ignites human potential. They are the sparks of inspiration that push us to achieve the extraordinary, to overcome our limitations, and to create a better world.
- Dreams as the Catalyst for Progress
Daring to dream is the fundamental driving force behind human progress. All the remarkable innovations and achievements in history, from the invention of the wheel to landing on the moon, started as dreams in the minds of individuals who dared to imagine what was previously considered impossible. It is these dreams that led to groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in science, technology, and various other fields.
If I had a nickel for every negative feed back I receive from people who did not understand my vision and tried to stop me from pursuing it, I’d have truckloads of money! I have had people tell me why do I like big stuff? Why do you like talking about things bigger than you? The irony here is that, I end up getting the exact things quicker than I had anticipated!
- Overcoming Limitations
Daring to dream is a powerful tool for personal development. When you dare to dream, you challenge your limitations, push the boundaries of what you think is achievable, and ultimately break free from self-imposed constraints. As you work towards your dreams, you discover hidden talents and abilities within yourself, and you become more resilient and adaptable in the face of adversity.
- Setting Goals and Ambitions
Dreams are the blueprints for setting meaningful goals and ambitions in life. They provide direction and purpose, to propel you on what truly matters to you. When you dare to dream, you envision a future where your goals are not only achievable but also profoundly rewarding. This vision becomes a source of motivation, propelling you forward even in the face of obstacles.
I am from a family of entrepreneurs mostly poultry farmers, but I knew I needed education to be successful.
I also did not see myself as a poultry farmer as I only saw the men in the family engage in the trade growing up. The ladies in my family who were into the farming had the men overseeing it. My mother had a farm, but it was largely managed by my older brothers who were already doing it so that let me to dream outside my potential future job.
At the time I didn’t know newer ways of publishing would be possible but I dared dreamed to use my passion. Thankfully, social media and blogging is available for all of us to cash in on our talents. I have a full time career because I dreamt it and I get to enjoy doing my passion and getting paid for it.
Dare to dream because it works!
I know people who have become Doctors, judges, and lawyers because they just said so with their mouths as children.
Whiles a lot of people become whatever they have become by coincident, accident or by chance but a lot more have become what they profess.
- Igniting Passion and Motivation
Dreams have the power to ignite passion and motivation like nothing else. When you have a dream, you’re naturally driven to take action, to learn, and to grow. This passion and motivation can be contagious, inspiring not only yourself but also those around you. Dare to dream, and you may find yourself leading by example and encouraging others to pursue their aspirations.
- Embracing Uncertainty
Daring to dream requires embracing uncertainty and the possibility of failure. While pursuing your dreams, you may face setbacks and challenges. However, these obstacles are opportunities for growth and learning. They teach resilience, problem-solving, and the importance of perseverance. Overcoming these hurdles can be immensely satisfying and ultimately make your dreams even more fulfilling when realized.
- Fostering Creativity
Dreams foster creativity. When you allow your mind to wander and envision the impossible, you open the door to innovative thinking. Creativity is the key to finding novel solutions to old problems and inventing new possibilities. By daring to dream, you become a catalyst for change, both in your life and in the broader world.
Dare to dream is a mindset, an ideology that has shaped the course of human history. By daring to dream, you tap into your potential, challenge your limits, and inspire others to do the same.
- Dreams are the stepping stones to progress, the fuel that powers personal growth, and the driving force behind innovation and change. So, don’t be afraid to dream, for it is in the pursuit of those dreams that you can find the true essence of your life’s purpose.
We all have the ability to be the better versions of ourselves and why not profess positive things so that we attract only the good?
Let’s raise kids who are capable of dreaming. Aspiring higher and aiming to be great. With time what I have come to realize too is that, at the end of the day, the accomplishment only matters if you are indeed happy. To live your dream and be fulfilled is gold! To that end, I say, dream it!
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